Tuesday, August 27, 2013

12 Foods That Helps You Shed Unwanted Fat

Exercise isn't the only thing that can help you shed fat. Natural foods that God gave us can help us shed that fat, too you know!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Make Yummy Pumpkin Spice Granola

Okay, okay, it is a little early to be talking about things to do with pumpkins since it's not even Thanksgiving yet! But, I could eat this all year long and not just during the holidays! This is my 2nd attempt at making granola. The first attempt...well, let's just say it didn't turn out quite right. :D The 2nd attempt..well, that turned out great! I like making my granola a lot better than buying it at  the store because I know what I'm putting in it and I can play around with it.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Why You Should Not eat Microwave Popcorn

My favorite kind of popcorn to eat is microwaved popcorn. But, not anymore! I recently found out how bad microwaved popcorn is for you.
When you microwave the popcorn, it causes the chemicals to absorb into the popcorn. The name of this chemical is p

Saturday, August 10, 2013

5 Foods That Give Your Skin a Glow

Farm fresh tomatoes. The best kind you can get!

A lot of foods we eat without knowing it can give your skin a glow! Such as Green tea. Green tea even fights the acne on your face and has p

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gift Bag Tutorial: This time a slideshow!

Hello again....remember when I had first started this blog I did a post on making a gift bag from scrapbook paper??? Those pics were REALLY blurred since I took the picture with my phone (blush). That was all I happened to have on hand at the time. Thankfully, I use a camera

Saturday, August 3, 2013

8 Energy Boosting Foods

Fruits and vegetables have been shown that they can actually promote your energy. So, instead of drinking that cup of coffee every morning when you get up, why not choose that energy boosting fruit or vegetable? And do you feel tired just about every afternoon?  Well, here are ten foods that will lift up that cloud of tirednes!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Dairy Free/ Organic Blueberry Cobbler

Today I had a sweet tooth..so I decided since I have blueberries, why don't I make a cobbler? Great idea! So, I got to work. First, I mad a quick and easy homemade "Bisquick" recipe from scratch that I found on www.food.com. Then I used that to make a cobble